Andrey I. Panas
InformChaos Lab.
Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics
of RAS, Moscow
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +7(495) 629-7278
Fax: +7(495) 629-3678

Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I. �Energy-efficient generator of microwave chaos,� Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2013, no. 3, pp. 79-83 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I., Maksimov N.A. Generation of chaos. Moscow: Tekhnosfera, 2012, 424 p. (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I. �Microwave chaotic generators�: in �Fryazino school of electronics,� ed. A.A. Borisov, Moscow: Yanus-K, 2012, pp. 427�454 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Panas A.I. �Direct chaotic wireless communication systems�: in �Fryazino school of electronics,� ed. A.A. Borisov, Moscow: Yanus-K, 2012, pp. 455�475 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kuzmin L.V., Miliou A.N., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O.: Chapter 15: �Secure Transmission of Analog Information using Chaos�, in: Chaos Synchronization and Cryptography for Secure Communications: Applications for Encryption, ed. Santo Banerjee, IGI Global, 2010, pp. 337-360.

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. "Generation of microwave chaotic oscillations in CMOS structure", Nelineynaya dinamika. 2010, vol. 6, no. 2, 1�9 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. "Chaos generators: from vacuum devices to nanocircuits", Radioelectronics, Nanosystems, Information Technologies (RENSIT), 2009, vol. 1, no. 1-2, pp. 6-22 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu, Panas A.I. "Low-power transistor chaotic generators", Izvestiya VUZov. Prikladnaya nelineynaya dinamika, 2008, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 56-70 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. "Ultrawideband communications based on dynamic chaos", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 4-16 (in Russian).

Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. "UWB microwave chaotic ring-structure generator on chip amplifiers", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 54-62 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. "Technological platform for transceivers based on chaotic signals", Uspekhi sovremennoi radioelektroniki, 2008, No. 1, pp. 77-83 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. "Ultrawideband microwave transceiver paltform based on chaotic signals", Radiotekhnika, 2007, no. 1 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. "Ultrawideband wireless communications based on dynamic chaos", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2006, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 1193-1209 (in Russian).

A.S. Dmitriev, A.I. Panas, "Dynamic chaos: Novel type of information carrier for communication systems", M.: Izdatel'stvo Fiziko-Matematicheskoi literatury, 2002, 252 pp. (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O., "Experiments on ultra wideband direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band", Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 2003, vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 1495-1507.

Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Direct chaotic communication systems", Zarubezhnaya radioelektronika. Uspekhi sovremenn. radioelectroniki, 2003, no. 9, pp. 26-42 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Ultrawideband direct chaotic communications in microwave band", Pia'ma v Zhurn. Techn. Fiz., 2003, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 70-76 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Hasler M., Panas A.I., Zakharchenko K.V., Basic principles of direct chaotic communications, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2003, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 488-501.

A.S. Dmitriev, B.E. Kyarginsky, A.I. Panas, D.Yu. Puzikov, and S.O. Starkov, "Experiments on ultrawideband direct chaotic communications in microwave band", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2002, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1219-1228 (in Russian) (English translation in: Journal of Communication Technology and Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 10, 2002, pp. 1112-1120.).

A. S. Dmitriev, A. I. Panas, and S. O. Starkov, Direct Chaotic Communication in Microwave Band, (Electronic NonLinear Science Preprint, nlin.CD/0110047).

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., and Kyarginsky B.E., "Direct chaotic circuits for communications in microwave band", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2001, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 224-233 (in Russian).

Panas A.I. "Communications systems with chaotic signals", Dr.Sci. Thesis, 2001.

Kalyanov, E.V., Kislov, V.Ya., Myasin, Ye.A., and Panas A.I. Invention Certificate No. 177845, 1982.

Dmitriev, A.S. and Panas, A.I. "Strange attractors in ring-structure oscillating systems with intertial elements", Zhourn. Techn. Fiz., 1986, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 759-762 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Chaos and structures in ring-structure finite-dimensional oscillating systems", Proc. Conf. "Synergetics - 86". Kishinev, USSR. 1986. pp. 6-7 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Kislov, V.Ya., and Panas, A.I. "Numerical methods of analysis of multi-frequency and stochastic oscillations", Proc. EMC-86. Wroclaw, Poland. 1986. pp. 900-909 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S. and Panas, A.I. "Scaling properties of resonant tori succession by transition to chaos in ring-structure oscillator", Zhourn. Techn. Fiz., 1986, vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 1864-1867 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S. and Panas, A.I. "Mode pulling and competition in a system with strange attractors", Pis'ma Zhourn. Techn. Fiz., 1987,vol. 13. no. 12. pp. 713-718 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S. and Panas, A.I. "Quasi-periodic, resonant and chaotic modes in ring-structure oscillating systems", Izv. VUZov. Radiofizika. 1987. vol. 9. pp. 1085-1098 (in Russian).

Gulyaev, Yu.V., Dmitriev, A.S., Kislov, V.Ya., and Panas, A.I. "Bifurcations of strange attractors. Relations to the spectrum of Lyapunov characteristic exponents", Doklady AN SSSR. 1988, vol. 298. No. 3 pp. 593-597 (in Russian).

Ivanov, V.P., Dmitriev, A.S., Kislov, V.Ya., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. Invention certificate No. 279024. 1985.

Maksimov, N.A.Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. Invention certificate No. 279154. 1987.

Dmitriev A.S., Gulyaev Yu. V., Kislov V. Ya., Panas A.I. "Mode pulling and competition in a system with chaotic dynamics", Physics Letters A. 1988. V.128., N.3,4. P. 172-176.

Dmitriev, A.S., Kislov, V.Ya., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Development of chaos in multi-dimensional and distributed systems on example of systems with time delays and their finite approximations", Proc. 11 Int. Conf. Nonlinear Oscillations. 1987. Budapest, Hungary.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., and Vorontzov G.M. "Identification of the nature of wideband spurious radiations: Experimental aspectcs", Proc. 8th Int. Zurich Symposium Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1989. Zurich. Full papers.

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Dynamics of autonomous dissipative systems with many equilibrium states", in "Dynamic systems and turbulence". 1989. Kiev. Institute of mathematics of Ukraine. pp. 69-75 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S. and Panas, A.I. "Experimental investigation of mode competition in dissipative systems with resonance overlapping", Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1990, vol. 35, no. 3. pp.567-574 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., Starkov, S.O., and Belsky, Yu.L. "Method for forming finite-band continuos-spectrum signals", Proc. 10 Int. Symp. EMC, part 2. 1990. Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 785-790.

Dmitrirv A.S., Kuminov D., Panas A., and Starkov S. "Complex dynamics of basic electron neuron-like systems", Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Nonlinear Oscillations. 1990. Krakow, Poland. p.209-210.

Maksimov, N.A., Panas, A.I., Starkov, S.O., Burykin, V.A., Dmitriev, A.S., and Kislov V.Ya. Invention certificate No. 324781. 1991.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Storing and recognizing information based on stable cycles of one-dimensional map, Phys. Lett. A, 1991, vol.155, pp.494-499.

Belsky, Yu.L., Dmitriev, A.S. Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Synthesis of finite-band chaotic signals in autonomous oscillating systems", Radiotekhnika i elektronika. 1992, vol. 37. No. 4. pp. 660-670 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., Starkov, S.O., and Belski, Ju.L. "Signals generation with given structure of power spectrum", Proc. 23 General Assembly URSI. 1990. Prague. vol. 3.

Starkov, S.O., Panas, A.I., and Dmitriev, A.S. "Numerical investigation of the structure of the chaotic attractor born by low-dimensional stream system", Proc. 1st Ukraine-American School "Differential equations and applications". 1993. part 1. p.46 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Experiments on transmission of music and speech signals using dynamic chaos", Preprint IRE RAS. 1994, IRE RAS, Moscow, No. 12, 42 pages (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Ring oscillating systems and their application to the synthesis of chaos generators", Preprint IRE, 1995, IRE RAS, Moscow, 35 pages.

Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S. "Transmission of complex analog signals by means of dynamical chaos", Proc. NDES�95. 1995. Dublin. pp. 241-244.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Experiments on speech and music signals transmission using chaos", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1995. Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1249-1254.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Experiments on music and speech transition in system with nonlinear mixing of chaotic and information oscillations", Proc. ECCTD�95. 1995. Istanbul. Vol. 1 pp.475-478.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. "Ring oscillating systems and their application to the synthesis of chaos generators", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1996. Vol. 6. No. 5. pp.851-865.

Panas A.I., Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., and Starkov S.O. "RF-band communications using chaos", Proc. NDES�96. 1996, Seville, Spain. pp.167-171.

Dmitriev, A.S., Andreyev, Yu.V., Belsky, Yu.L., Kuminov, D.A., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Method for object recognition", Patent of Russian Federation No. 2050072 from Dec. 10, 1995. (with priority from March 03, 1994) (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "RF communications using chaotic signals", Preprint of IRE RAS. 1997, IRE RAS, Moscow, no. 1(615).

Dmitriev, A.S., Yemetz, S.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "Experiments on utilization of signal processors to information trasmission using chaotic oscillations", Preprint of IRE RAS. 1997, IRE RAS, Moscow, no. 4(618) (in Russian).

Dmitriev A., Maximov N., Panas A., and Starkov S. "Robustness of chaotic communications systems with nonlinear information mixing", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.209-216.

Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S. and Yemetz S. "Digital processing for chaos generation and information transmission", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.370-375.

Kuzmin L. and Panas A. "Synchronization stability of drive-response systems with dynamical chaos", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.485-490.

Maximov N. and Panas A. "Variety of chaotic modes in the ring-structure oscillator with piecewise-linear signal characteristic", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.526-530.

Burykin V. and Panas A. "Chaotic synchronization of RF-generators", Proc. NDES'97. 1997. Moscow. Russia. pp.548-553.

Dmitriev A., Panas A., Starkov S. & Kuzmin L. "Experiments on RF band communications using chaos", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1997. Vol.7, No.11. p.2511-2527.

Dmitriev, A.S., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. Dynamic chaos as paradigm for modern communication systems, Foreign Radioelectronics. Advances in Modern Radioelectronics. 1997. No. 10. pp.4-26 (in Russian).

Panas A. Synchronization of drive-response systems on condition of a large mismatch of parameters, Proc. of NDES'98. 1998. Budapest. Hungary. pp.257-260.

Dmitriev A., Panas A., Efremova E., and Kuzmin L. "Communication system with modulo summation of information and chaotic signals", Proc. NOLTA'98. 1998. Crans-Montana, Switzerland. Vol. 3. pp. 1081-1084.

Dmitriev A., Andreev Y., Belsky Y., Kuminov D., Panas A., and Starkov S. "Method of objects recognition", Patent of USA. � 5774587 (June 30, 1998).

Dmitriev A.S., Kuzmin L.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. "RF communications using chaotic signals", Proc. 5th Int. School "Chaos'98". 1998. Saratov, Russia. p.85 (in Russian).

Panas A., Yang T. & Chua L. Experimental results of impulsive synchronization between two Chua's circuits, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 1998. Vol.8. No.3. p.639-647.

Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., Panas, A.I., and Starkov, S.O. Experiments on transmitting information through RF channel using chaos, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1998, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1115-1128 (in Russian).

Kuzmin, L.V., Maksimov, N.A. and Panas, A.I. "Precision generator of chaotic oscillations with piecewise-linear characteristics of nonlinear element", Izv. VUZov, Prikladnaya nelineinaya dinamika, 1999, nos. 2-3, pp. 81-94 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V. and Panas, A.I. "Communication circuit based on synchronous chaotic response in the presence of filtering in the communication channel", Radiotekhnika, 1999, no. 4, pp. 75-80 (in Russian).

Dmitriev, A.S., Kuzmin, L.V., and Panas, A.I. Communication circuit with modulo summation of the chaotic and information signals, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1999, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 988-996 (in Russian).

Gubanov D.A., Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., and Steshenko V.D., "Chaotic oscillators in IC", CHIP News (Novosti o mikroskhemakh), 1999, no. 8, pp. 9-14 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Kuzmin L.V. "Chaotic synchronization and chaotic communications over a band-pass channel", Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (An Interdisciplinary Journal), 1999, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 91-99.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I. and Starkov S.O. Multiple access communication based on control of special chaotic trajectories, Proc. Int. Conf. Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC-2000), St.Petersburg, Russia, July 5-7, 2000, vol. 3, pp. 518-522.

Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., Balabin A.M., Dmitriev A.A., Kishik V.V., Kuzmin L.V., Borisenko A.G. Strategies of applying dynamic chaos in communication systems and computer networks. Chaotic encoder and channel encoder, Preprint IRE RAS, Moscow. 2000. no. 2(626) (in Russian).

Dmitriev A., Andreev Y., Belsky Y., Kuminov D., Panas A., Starkov S. "Method of objects recognition", Canadian Patent No. 2,164,417 (May 30, 2000).

Panas A.I., Kyarginsky B.E., Maximov N.A. Single-transistor microwave chaotic oscillator, Proc. NOLTA-2000, September 17 - 21, 2000, Dresden, Germany, vol. 2, pp. 445-448.

Dmitriev A.S., Andreyev Yu.V., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O., "Chaotic markers for communications", Proc. NOLTA-2000, September 17 - 21, 2000, Dresden, Germany, vol. 1, pp. 87-90.

Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O. Direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band, Preprint IRE RAS, Moscow. 2000. no. 1(625) (in Russian).

Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., Balabin A.M., Dmitriev A.A., Kishik V.V., Kuzmin L.V., Borisenko A.G. "Strategies of applying dynamic chaos in communication systems and computer networks. Chaotic encoder and channel encoder", Foreign radioelectronics. Advances of modern radioelectronics. 2000. No. 11. pp.4-26 (in Russian).

Maximov N.A. and Panas A.I. "Single-transistor oscillator of RF band-limited chaotic signals", Foreign radioelectronics. Advances of modern radioelectronics. 2000. No. 11. pp.61-69 (in Russian).

Andreyev Yu.V., Dmitriev A.S., Yemetz S.V., Kuzmin L.V., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., and Starkov S.O., "Chaotic markers and asynchronous data transmission", Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiziki, 2000, vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 53-59 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Kyarginsky B.E., Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I., and Starkov S.O., "Prospects of direct chaotic communication systems in RF and microwave bands", Radiotekhnika, 2000, no. 3, pp. 9-20 (in Russian).

A. Dmitriev, B. Kyarginsky, A. Panas, and S. Starkov, "Direct chaotic communication system. Experiments", Proc. 9th Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES'2001), Delft, Netherlands, June 21-23, 2001, pp. 185-188.

N.A. Maksimov and A.I. Panas, "Three-point circuit for generating band-limited chaotic oscillators", Proc. Int. Symp. Signals Circuits Systems (SCS'2001), Iasi, Romania, July 10-11, 2001, pp. 65-68.

N. Maximov, A. Panas, and S. Starkov, Chaotic oscillators design with preassigned spectral characteristics, Proc. Europ. Conf. Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD '01), Espoo, Finland, August 28-31, 2001, vol. III, pp. 439-432.

A. Panas, L. Kuzmin, and D. Puzikov, "Analog communications using chaos. Problems and decisions", Abstracts Int. Conf. Applied Non-Linear Dynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 27-30, 2001, p. 15.

A.S. Dmitriev, A.I. Panas, D.Yu. Puzikov, and S.O. Starkov, �Wideband and Ultra Wideband Direct Chaotic Communication�, Proc. 1st IEEE Int. Conf. Circuits and Systems for Communications (Circuits and Systems in Broadband Communication Technologies), St.Petersburg, Russia, June 26 - 28, 2002, pp. 291-295.

B.E. Kyarginsky, N.A. Maximov, A.I. Panas, and S.O. Starkov, �Wideband microwave chaotic oscillators�, Proc. 1st IEEE Int. Conf. Circuits and Systems for Communications (Circuits and Systems in Broadband Communication Technologies), St.Petersburg, Russia, June 26 - 28, 2002, pp 296-299.

A. Dmitriev, B. Kyarginsky, A. Panas, D. Puzikov, and S. Starkov, �Experiments on ultra wideband direct chaotic information transmission in microwave band�, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2002), June 21-23, 2002, Izmir, Turkey, p. 5-1.

A.S. Dmitriev, E.V. Efremova, N.A. Maksimov, and A.I. Panas, �Controlling spectrum of single-transistor band-limited chaotic oscillator�, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES-2002), June 21-23, 2002, Izmir, Turkey, p. 2-65.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., "Communications with ultrawideband chaotic carrier", Proc. Int. Symp. Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS-2003), July 10-11, 2003, Iasi, Romania, pp. 9-12.

Efremova E.V., Maksimov N.A. and Panas A.I., "Control of Power Spectrum Envelope in Single-Transistor Chaotic Oscillator", Proc. Int. Symp. Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS-2003), July 10-11, 2003, Iasi, Romania, pp. 17-20.

Maksimov N.A. and Panas A.I., "Wideband and ultrawideband chaotic generators with controllable power spectrum width", Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2003", 2003, July 1-3, Murom, Russia, pp. 136-140 (in Russian).

Kyarginsky B.Ye., Panas A.I., and Puzikov D.Yu., "Experiments on information transmission using ultrawideband chaotic carrier", Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2003", 2003, July 1-3, Murom, Russia, pp. 510-514 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., and Zakharchenko K.V., "Principles of Direct Chaotic Communications (invited)", Proc. Int. Symp. Physics and Control, 2003, August 20-22, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp 475-483.

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.A., Kuznetsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I. Ultrawideband direct chaotic communications for low-bitrate information transmission, Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.

Maximov N.A., Panas A.I. Microwave chaotic oscillators with controlled bandwidth , Proc. ICCSC'2004, June 30 - July 2, Moscow, Russia, 2004.

Dmitriev A.S., Kinev A.V., Kletsov A.V., Kyarginsky B.E., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Atanov N.V., Selmenev E.A. Remote control of mobile objects using UWB chaotic microwave signals, Preprint IRE RAS, no. 1 (639), 2005 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A.S., Efremova E.V., Kyarginsky B.E., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I. Method for generating wideband microwave chaotic signals and Generator of wideband microwave chaotic signals, appl. no. 2005110493 of 12.04.2005.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Puzikov D.Yu., Starkov S.O. Method for sending messages in multiple-access communications system, appl. no. 2004133493 of 17.11.2004.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. Ultra-wide band communications using chaos, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Networking with Ultra Wide Band, Workshop on Ultra Wide Band for Sensor Networks (NEUWB-2), Rome, July 4-6, 2005, pp. 25-29.

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Sinyakin V.Yu. "UWB miniature transceiver using chaotic signals", Proc. National Conf. "Ultrawideband signals in radiolocation and acoustics-2006", 2006, July 4-7, Murom, Russia. pp. 158-163 (in Russian).

Dmitriev A., Kletsov A., Kuzmin L., Laktushkin A., Panas A., Sinyakin V. "Ultrawideband Transceiver Platform Based On Chaotic Signals", Proc. Int. Symp. NOLTA'2006. Bologna, Italy, September 11-14. 2006, pp. 479-482.

Panas A.I., Kyarginsky B.E., Efremova E.V. "Ultra-wideband microwave chaotic oscillator", Proc. 12th Mediterranean microwave symposium MICROCOLL-2007, 14-16 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 145�148.

Dmitriev A.S., Kletsov A.V., Laktyushkin A.M., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O. �UWB communication systems based on dynamic chaos�, Proc. 2nd Int. Conference �Acoustooptic and Radar Methods for Information Measurements and Processing� (ARMIMP-2007), Sept. 25�27, 2007, Suzdal, Russia, pp. 3�9 (in Russian).

Panas A., Efremova E., Kyarginsky B., Nickishov A. �UWB microwave chaotic oscillators based on microchip amplifiers�, Proc. 15th IEEE Int. Conf. ICECS 2008, Malta, 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2008, pp. 942-945.

Nikishov A., Panas A. �Generation of ultrawideband microwave chaotic oscillations by ring-structure oscillation system composed of microchip amplifiers�. Proc. XXIX URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 2008, pp. 145 (1-4).

Dmitriev Yu.A., Kletsov A.V., Panas A.I. Positioning using UWB chaotic radio pulses, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. "Microwave techniques and telecommunication technologies" (Crimico-2010), Sept. 13-17, 2010, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, vol. 1, pp. 47-48.

Efremova E.V., Nikishov A.Yu., Panas A.I. UWB Microwave Chaotic Oscillator: from Distributed Structure to CMOS IC Realization, Proc. 5th European Conf. Circuits and Systems for Communications (ECCSC'10), November 23�25, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 67-70.

Dmitriev A.S., Panas A.I., Starkov S.O., et al. "Method for transmission information using chaotic signals." Canadian Patent 2,416,702. Granted and issued 2011/07/19.

Panas A.I., Maksimov N.A. �Promising solid-state source of UWB microwave signals for new IEEE standards,� Proc. 23th Int. Conf. Microwave and Telecommunication Technology CRIMICO-2013, September 8-14, 2013, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine.

Maksimov N.A., Panas A.I. �Solid-state chaos generators with nonlinear resonator.� Proc. 23th Int. Conf. Microwave and Telecommunication Technology CRIMICO-2013, September 8-14, 2013, Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine.

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