Magnetic Resonance and Spin Relaxation in Solids
- Head of research group:
Prof. Dr. V. A. Atsarkin,
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (7095) 2030156
Born: 1936 (Moscow).
Graduated from Phys. Department, Moscow State University (1959).
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1971, IRE RAS).
Professor of Physics (1989, IRE RAS).
Head of Laboratory (IRE RAS).
Author of the monograph "Dynamic nuclear polarization in insulating solids"
(Moscow, Nauka, 1980) and about 100 papers on ESR, NMR, spin dynamics and relaxation in
insulating solids, high-Tc superconductors, fullerides, etc.
- Dr. V. V. Demidov, e-mail: [email protected]
Born: 1948 (Moscow).
Graduated from Moscow Physical and Technical Institute (MPTI) (1972).
Ph.D., physics and mathematics (1980, IRE RAS).
Senior scientist (IRE RAS).
Author of 35 papers on ESR, dynamic nuclear polarization, spin relaxation and
The research group has wide experience in ESR and NMR spectroscopy. Scope of research:
spin dynamics and relaxation in solids; study of internal fields, structure, magnetic
properties, electronic states and phase transitions in oxide superconductors and
fullerides. Equipment: an original home-made apparatus for studying extremely fast
electron spin relaxation; Bruker ER-200 ESR spectrometer; facilities for performing
experiments at 4.2 - 300 K.
Basic publications:
- V.A. Atsarkin et al., Phys. Rev. B 52, 1290 (1995);
- V.A. Atsarkin et al., Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 108, 927 (1995) (English translation: JETP 81,
509 (1995));
- V.A. Atsarkin et al., Solid State Commun. 98, 977 (1996).