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Laboratory No 234 "Superconducting
Devices for Reception and Handling Information" of IREE RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
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Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics RAS, Fryazino part, Fryazino, Moscow district, Russian Federation
Iosif M. Kotelyanskii, Doctor of Sciences in Techniks, Professor - head of laboratory. Crystal growth and treatment, preparation and investigation of thin film heterostructures for electronics, acoustics, optics. |
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Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow district, Russian Federation
Valery V. Ryazanov, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Studies of order parameter symmetry in the HTSC materials; p-contact fabrication using ferroelectrics barrier layer.
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Victor K. Kornev, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Simulations of nonlinear dynamics of Josephson junction arrays in complicated electromagnetis ambient
Michail Yu. Kupriyanov, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Theory of complex structures of superconductors.
Oleg V. Snigirev, Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Detection of weak magnetic fields using SQUIDs; gravitometric experiment.
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Department of Microelecronics and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Tord Claeson, Professor. Material science, electronics of micro- and nanometer scale.
Dag Winkler, Professor. Material science, electronics of micro- and nanometer scale.
Floriana Lombardy, Professor. Material science, electronics of micro- and nanometer scale. |
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Physics Department, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Niels F. Pedersen, Professor. Theory and simulations of nonlinear dynamics of Josephson junction circuits; stacked Josephson junctions and intrinsic Josephson effect
Jesper Mygind, Professor. Precise measurements of electrophysical properties at low and ultra-low temperatures |
![DTU Department of Physics logo](dtu.gif) |
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Fachgebiet Dunne Schichten Institute fur Materialwissenschaft, FB 11, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Lambert Alff, Professor, Dr. Materials Science.
Jose Kurian, Dr. Materials Science. |
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